- Job Vacancies in the Basque Country

Ikerbasque Eusko Jaurlaritza

Job Vacancies

This job offer was closed at 2024-07-14

BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change

Part-time Research Assistant – Knowledge co-production for the water-food-ecosystem nexus

Research Field: Environmental science 
Sub Research Field:  

Job Summary

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), offers a part-time research assistant position of 4 months funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Ramón y Cajal (RYC2021- 031626-I), led by Dr. Violeta Cabello.

About the project: The project focusses on advancing knowledge co-production for the governance of the water-food-ecosystem nexus with a special focus on the Mar Menor lagoon (Murcia, Spain). The overall aim is to explore how knowledge co-production can be organised as transformative approach in highly contested wicked problems involving water management, agricultural production and ecosystem loss. After three years of fieldwork in the Mar Menor, the project is now focussed in data analysis and writing publications.

Job Description

Key responsibilities:

Support qualitative research tasks, especially interview coding and qualitative data analysis
Main requirements/skills:

Bachelor and MsC in social sciences or humanities research
Experience in qualitative research about social-ecological topics
Benefits and work environment:

Interdisciplinary and inspiring work environment
Quiet and spacious workspaces
Possibility of participating in internal training and academic activities of the center
5-hour week work calendar (part-time: 50% of dedication)
30 days of vacation per year


Comment/web site for additional job details

FP7 / PEOPLE / Marie Curie Actions

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
SESAM Agreement Number  

Job Details

Type of Contract Temporary 
Status Part-time 
Hours Per Week 16  
Company/Institute BC3- Basque Centre for Climate Change 
Country SPAIN 
State/Province Bizkaia 
City Leioa 

Organization/Institute Contact Data

Organization BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change 
Organization/Institution Type Research Laboratory 
Faculty/Department/Research Lab  
Country SPAIN 
City Leioa 
Postal Code E-48940 
Street Parque Científico de la UPV - Bº Sarriena, s/n - Edificio Sede, 1-planta 1ª 
Phone +34 944 014 690 
Mobile Phone  

Application Details

Envisaged Job Starting Date 2024-06-28 
Application Deadline 2024-07-14 
How To Apply