- Job Vacancies in the Basque Country

Ikerbasque Eusko Jaurlaritza

Job Vacancies

This job offer was closed at 2024-07-15

University of Deusto

Research Staff - Phd at the eVIDA Lab

Research Field: Other 
Sub Research Field:  

Job Summary

General call for Grants allocated to research projects or groups to pursue Doctoral Studies at the eVIDA Lab.

The Industry 4.0 paradigm is applicable to health and even life in general. Therefore, Health 4.0 is the new framework in which to frame any technological solution that is sought to the challenges of society. In this new framework, artificial intelligence plays a key role combined with virtual and augmented reality, biofeedback, cybersecurity or 3D manufacturing among others. Within active and healthy aging, the role of 4.0 solutions are key to provide comprehensive services to our seniors and people with disabilities to improve their quality of life and increase their autonomy.

Job Description

This position assigned to a project called “REVITAL” has as main research objective the use of health 4.0 approaches to technological solutions for neuro-telerehabilitation including biofeedback for telerehabilitation purposes applied to elderly people in both rural and urban areas. IoT, biosignal processing, artificial intelligence and biofeedback are an essential tool for this job position. In these types of problems, many hyper-parameters, constraints and objective functions are usually handled, i.e. the data used to built AI models have different data sources that are not easily interoperable as this projects will include data from multiple regions in Spain and Portugal.

The hypothesis for this research is that it is possible to predict human behavior after neuro-telerehabilitation activities, response to a treatment and effectiveness of it from the fusion of data by designing a real-time artificial intelligence neurofeedback application combined with other physiological basic biofeedback multi-sensors and located in a cloud platform with front-end and back-end.

Then, the objectives of this research conducted under REVITAL project context will be:

a) Define the experiment with 2 different case studies.

b) Create a database with fusion of data and signals acquired in real time with a biofeedback multisensor system.

c) Design the algorithms for pre-processing and generation of features.

d) Design AI models capable of predicting human behavior and response to a treatment.

e) Design AI models capable of predicting human behavior and response to a treatment.

f) Validate the experiment with the private database.

Title of the project to be incorporated:

Acronym of the project: REVITAL ( S1/4.5/E0037).

Title: Revitalización de zonas de baja densidad de población mediante la promoción de servicios de tele-rehabilitación que impidan la deslocalización de personas mayores y creen oportunidades de empleo local (REVITAL).

PI and/or project manager:

Begoña García-Zapirain

Endowment of the contract:

Gross salary year 1 of contract: 25.973,10 €
Gross salary year 2 of contract: 25.973,10 €

Funding Entity:

Interreg SUDOE call 2023


Comment/web site for additional job details

FP7 / PEOPLE / Marie Curie Actions

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
SESAM Agreement Number  

Job Details

Type of Contract Temporary 
Researcher profile First Stage Researcher (R1)  
Status Full-time 
Hours Per Week 40  
Company/Institute University of Deusto 
Country SPAIN 
State/Province Biscay 
City Bilbao 

Organization/Institute Contact Data

Organization University of Deusto 
Organization/Institution Type Academic 
Faculty/Department/Research Lab DeustoTech 
Country SPAIN 
City Bilbao 
State/Province Bizkaia 
Postal Code E-48007 
Street Avda. de las Universidades 24 
Mobile Phone  

Application Details

Envisaged Job Starting Date 2024-09-01 
Application Deadline 2024-07-15 
How To Apply e-mail  

Additional Requirements


Specific Requirements

Qualification needed:
- To be already enrolled as PhD student in the second or third year.

Experience required:
- IoT, biosensors, data science and artificial intelligence applied to human and environmental health (health diseases, social problems, air pollution, air quality, food quality).
- Experience on writing scientific publications and reports.
- Google Scholar with a minimum h index=2 and including at least 3 JCR indexed journal.

1. The University of Deusto carries out this call within the framework of “General call for Grants allocated to research projects or groups to pursue Doctoral Studies.” For more information on this call, please click on the following link.
2. Please complete the following two steps:
2.1. The online application form
2.2. Register at the Deusto Career opportunities website (click on the blue "register" button).
3. Official academic transcript of previous official university studies (1st and 2nd cycle), even if they are currently being taken, issued by the corresponding unit. The academic certificate must state the name of the degree programme, the subjects that make up the course syllabus, the subjects passed, the grades obtained and the dates on which they were obtained. The transcript should show the average mark from 0 to 10.
If the studies have been completed abroad, an official academic certificate must be submitted as well as a sworn translation thereof, provided that it is not in one of the two co-official languages of the Basque Autonomous Community or in English. In all cases, the certificate or other supporting document must state the maximum and minimum grades within the corresponding assessment system and the minimum grade required to pass. In addition, the «Statement of equivalence of average grade» of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) or ANECA’s official certificate indicating the average grade of the academic transcript within the Spanish evaluation system must be submitted.
4. Curriculum vitae.
5. Enrollment in the PhD program at the University of Deusto, in the second or third year.