- Job Vacancies in the Basque Country

Ikerbasque Eusko Jaurlaritza

Job Vacancies

This job offer was closed at 2024-03-15

Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science

20 Research Fellow positions

Research Field: All 
Sub Research Field:  

Job Summary

Ikerbasque - the Basque Foundation for Science, has launched a new call offering 20 positions for postdoctoral researchers. These positions are financed by the Basque Government, the European Commission and the host institution where the researcher will develop their research.

These five year Fellowships are directed to promising young researchers; they are intended to offer a track towards a PI role and independent research. The selected Fellows should be able to acquire the necessary skills for a research leader role. Ikerbasque is committed to offer a long-term career to the research community: Fellows in their 5th year can be assessed for a permanent position.

The applicants must have their PhD completed between 01/01/2013 and 31/12/2021.

Applications from women are especially welcomed. The eligibility period will be extended under special circumstances such as maternity.

Job Description

-> Ikerbasque offers 20 positions for postdoctoral researchers, in all research fields. 5 year employment contract including full social security. After the 5 year period the Research Fellow can obtain a permanent position as a Research Associate.

-> The researchers will develop their research lines in any of the research institutions of the Basque Country, Spain. The Host Institution covers 40% of the personnel costs; therefore, the acceptance letter of the host institution is mandatory.

-> 44,185 € gross annual salary, and 10,000 € start-up funding for the research costs. There is also a moving allowance up to 4,000 € for researchers that come from a foreign research institution.


Comment/web site for additional job details

FP7 / PEOPLE / Marie Curie Actions

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
H2020 / Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions COFUND 
SESAM Agreement Number 101034228 

Job Details

Type of Contract Temporary 
Researcher profile Recognised Researcher (R2)  
Status Full-time 
Hours Per Week 40  
Company/Institute Ikerbasque 
Country SPAIN 
State/Province Basque Country 

Organization/Institute Contact Data

Organization Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science 
Organization/Institution Type Academic 
Faculty/Department/Research Lab  
Country SPAIN 
City Bilbao 
State/Province Bizkaia 
Postal Code E-48009 
Street Plaza Euskadi 5 
Phone +34 944052660 
Mobile Phone  

Application Details

Envisaged Job Starting Date 2025-01-01 
Application Deadline 2024-03-15 
How To Apply