- Job Vacancies in the Basque Country

Ikerbasque Eusko Jaurlaritza

Job Vacancies

This job offer was closed at 2023-11-28

BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language


Research Field: Neurosciences 
Sub Research Field:  

Job Summary

The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (BCBL) in San Sebastian (Basque Country, Spain) is offering a 2-year funded Post-Doctoral opportunity.

Job Description

The post-doctoral fellow will be integrated within the Neurolinguistics and Aphasia group ( The position is not linked to a specific project: the postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to work on their own research ideas within the main research interests of the group, whilst collaborating on other projects conducted by the PI and her group. The candidate must have experience in designing and conducting experimental studies on language comprehension and production using behavioral and neuroimaging techniques.

PI and research group:

the successful candidate will work with the PI, Dr. Simona Mancini ( and her team. The Neurolinguistics and Aphasia group uses various techniques (e.g., behavioral testing, eyetracking EEG/MEG, fMRI) and designs (cross-linguistic, cross-sectional, longitudinal) to investigate the mechanisms underlying language comprehension and production and their interaction with other cognitive domains, across distinct populations (speakers with and without language impairment) and contexts (e.g., recovery from stroke). The group also actively collaborates with clinicians to transfer the results of fundamental research into clinical settings, with the goal to improve detection, diagnosis and treatment of language impairment.


Salary: Gross salary € 28.000 - € 30.000

Entitlements and other benefits:

Training opportunities and Career development plan:

Researchers at any stage of their career, regardless of their contractual situation, are given an opportunity for professional development and for improving their employability through access to a Personal Career Development Plan which includes:

(1) Training through individually personalized research projects under senior supervision

(2) Exchanging knowledge with the scientific community and the general public

(3) Network-wide training in theory and methods

(4) Complementary training courses

(5) Involvement in proposal writing, task coordination

(6) Development of skills for the organization of training and scientific events

Comment/web site for additional job details

FP7 / PEOPLE / Marie Curie Actions

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
SESAM Agreement Number  

Job Details

Type of Contract Temporary 
Researcher profile Recognised Researcher (R2), Established Researcher (R3)  
Status Full-time 
Hours Per Week 35  
Company/Institute BCBL, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language 
Country SPAIN 

Organization/Institute Contact Data

Organization BCBL - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language 
Organization/Institution Type Research Laboratory 
Faculty/Department/Research Lab  
Country SPAIN 
City Donostia - San Sebatian 
State/Province Gipuzkoa 
Postal Code E-20009 
Street Paseo Mikeletegi, 69 - 2 
Phone +34 943 309 300 
Mobile Phone  
Fax +34 943 309 052 

Application Details

Envisaged Job Starting Date 2024-02-01 
Application Deadline 2023-11-28 
How To Apply 

Additional Requirements


Required skills:

Applicants should have a Master and a PhD (or nearly completed) degree in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Linguistics, and/or related areas.
Experience in designing, conducting and analyzing experimental studies on language comprehension and production
Programming skills (Python, R, Matlab etc…).
The applicants must demonstrate excellent communication skills in English.

Specific Requirements

Desirable skills:

Neuroimaging experience (fMRI, M/EEG)
Sound knowledge of cognitive neuroscience
Experience working with brain-damaged populations.