- Job Vacancies in the Basque Country

Ikerbasque Eusko Jaurlaritza

Job Vacancies

This job offer was closed at 2023-07-02

Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Doctoral Position: Development of hybrid digital twins for Smart Maintenance of ad-hoc facilities.

Research Field: Engineering 
Sub Research Field:  

Job Summary

The thesis will be carried out in collaboration with GH Cranes & Components and under the auspices of the "STRUCTURAL MECHANICS & DESIGN" and "ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION" research groups at the University of Mondragon.

Job Description

Predictive maintenance strategies are widely used in industry to reduce maintenance costs and avoid unexpected downtime that can affect production. Predictive maintenance strategies are usually based on monitoring the product in use, where, based on historical operating data and analysis of the evolution of acquired signals, the failure of critical components is predicted.

However, the development of unique custom products, increasingly demanded in the current market, implies the absence of historical data that allow such maintenance tasks to be carried out until such data is generated. Therefore, carrying out predictive maintenance in this type of installation is a major challenge today.

In this regard, various authors in the literature point to the enormous potential of hybrid virtual twins fed by both simulation data and empirical data. In this way, virtual data obtained through simulation tools play a fundamental role in predicting the product's service behavior. Likewise, as usage data becomes available, these models feed the hybrid virtual twins, improving their level of accuracy and allowing more efficient maintenance tasks to be performed.

To develop hybrid virtual twins of electromechanical products, it is necessary to consider and integrate different layers:

• The control layer establishes the product's operating operations, speeds, accelerations, trajectories, etc. responsible for the efforts generated in the different components of the product.
• The structural layer is responsible for modeling the transfer of efforts to the different components, considering the resistance and stiffness of the product's mechanical structure.
• The behavioral layers are those that relate the life of the components to the efforts transmitted through the structure.

Thus, by integrating the different layers, hybrid virtual twins allow the life of critical components to be predicted under different product operation scenarios.


Comment/web site for additional job details

Dr. Jon Ander Esnaola (

Dr. Ibai Ulacia ( )

Dr. Luka Eciolaza ( )

FP7 / PEOPLE / Marie Curie Actions

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
SESAM Agreement Number  

Job Details

Type of Contract Temporary 
Status Full-time 
Hours Per Week 40H  
Company/Institute Mondragon Unibertsitatea - Faculty of Engineering 
Country SPAIN 
State/Province Gipuzkoa 

Organization/Institute Contact Data

Organization Mondragon Unibertsitatea 
Organization/Institution Type Academic 
Faculty/Department/Research Lab  
Country SPAIN 
City Arrasate-Mondragon 
Postal Code 20500 
Street Loramendi 4 
Phone +34943794700 
Mobile Phone  

Application Details

Envisaged Job Starting Date 2023-09-01 
Application Deadline 2023-07-02 
How To Apply e-mail  

Additional Requirements


Education level: Applicants will hold a Master Degree in Control Electronics, Mecanotrics, Mechanical Engineerng, Industrial Engineering or similar

Valuable skills:
- Programming skills
- Big data and data analysis
- Machine learning
- Surrogate modelling...

Experience in research or as a scholarship will be valuable.

Specific Requirements