- Job Vacancies in the Basque Country

Ikerbasque Eusko Jaurlaritza

Job Vacancies

This job offer was closed at 2023-01-25


IKERDATA-INVESTIGO PhD Student 2: AI/ML Chemoinformatics Discovery of New Drugs and Metagenomic Biomarkers for Infectious Diseases

Research Field: Chemistry 
Sub Research Field:  

Job Summary

An academic/industry Predoctoral researcher position is offered within the IKERDATA SL team at ZITEK, UPVEHU Rectorate Building, Leioa, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country. The predoctoral researcher will work on the development of Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) Chemoinformatics models for the prediction of Drugs and Metagenomic Biomarkers for Infectious Diseases. The student will be hired by IKERDATA SL and will participate in research projects in collaboration with our partners of BIOFISIKA Institute, BioCruses Foundation, etc.

Job Description

- Project: IKERDATA-INVESTIGO AI/ML New Materials and Drug Discovery Program.

Funders: NextGenerationEU, European Commission, Lanbide, Eusko Jaurlaritza.
Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Humbert G. Díaz, Total Budget: 264K Eur already available.

- We offer full time contract of 2 years 33K Eur by year, to cover salary and taxes plus benefits like social security, medical insurance, employment insurance, etc.

- Researchers must be resident in Esukadi, registered in Lanbide Basque country employment service as job seekers, have work permit, and hold MSc degree in Organic Chemistry, Pharmacology, Computational sciences, Applied Physics, Materials Sciences, or related areas. Application to job must be by the website of Lanbide employment service however prospective researchers can contact us at .

- Ikerdata Investigo Researchers must enroll in 2022 or be already enrolled in a PhD program under direct supervision of UPV/EHU Ikerbasque professors or researchers who are founder partners of our company.

- The predoctoral researcher will work in a PhD thesis projects in Computational sciences, Machine Learning, and Chemoinformatics, applied to Materials Sciences and Nanotechnology, etc.

- PhD thesis projects will contribute to collaborations of our company with researchers from BIOFISIKA Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa, BIOCRUCES Foundation, etc.

- Ikerdata Investigo Researchers will be requested to write / submit applications to other calls like projects, grants, scholarships, etc. attracting extra-mural funds in order to ensure the continuation of their positions.

-Additionally, each researcher will manage one MOL2NET Conference congress under supervision of a chairperson.

- IKERDATA S.L. will be the direct and only employer for 2 years, work modality will be hybrid in person/on line, our headquarters are in the UPV/EHU rectorate building, Leioa, Greater Bilbao.

- Predoctoral researchers are expected to pass during the contract at least one international research stay of at least 3 months abroad. Researcher stays will focus toward obtaining international PhD mentions. At least one stay in our collaborating groups of North Dakota State University, European Bioinformatics Institute | EMBL-EBI Cambridge UK, University of Portsmouth, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Universidade do Porto, etc., will be mandatory.


Comment/web site for additional job details

FP7 / PEOPLE / Marie Curie Actions

Research Framework Programme/
Marie Curie Actions
SESAM Agreement Number  

Job Details

Type of Contract Temporary 
Status Full-time 
Hours Per Week   
Country SPAIN 

Organization/Institute Contact Data

Organization IKERDATA S.L. 
Organization/Institution Type Academic 
Faculty/Department/Research Lab ZITEK 
Country SPAIN 
City Leioa 
State/Province Biskaia 
Postal Code 48940 
Street IKERDATA S.L., ZITEK, UPV/EHU Rectorate Building, no 6, Leioa, Greater Bilbabo, 48940, Basque Country, Spain 
Mobile Phone  

Application Details

Envisaged Job Starting Date 2023-02-15 
Application Deadline 2023-01-25 
How To Apply Other